Why should I stay in Academia?
Bridging Generations of Researchers in Visualization
Tuesday, October 27 12:00pm–1:30pm MDT
Contact us at [email protected]

(University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

(Linköping University, Sweden)

(TU Wien, Austria)

(Harvard University, USA)

(SCI Utah, USA)

(Siemens, Austria)

(SCI Utah, USA)

(TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
The question “(Why) should I stay in academia?” emerges often in the minds of researchers and in discussions in our community. In general, junior researchers might be more affected, but this is a choice that all levels of academic seniority face. Our panel targets an open discussion on the active choice of “staying or leaving” and its reasons, on the positives and negatives of both possible paths (academia vs. industry), and on how we, as a community, can foster a healthier environment to support and equip our members—whether they decide to stay in academia, or not. Our choice of panelists pays attention to the inclusion of researchers from different academic ages and with different paths, to reflect different career and life challenges. We have ensured gender balance among our panelists, as female researchers often face different (and additional) challenges, and we have included a panelist from industry, to represent both sides of the coin. We anticipate that our panel will engage a large group of researchers at different career stages in a lively discussion to shape our community. To engage the audience and involve them as much as possible into the discussion, the panel will feature an additional anonymous platform, where everyone can freely ask questions and provide suggestions for discussion—before, during, and after the event.