Research Interests
I investigate and design Visualization and Visual Analytics strategies, which address biological and medical applications. My core interests revolve around the following topics: Medical Visualization and Visual Analytics, to address the needs of P4 medicine: personalization, predictiveness, preventiveness, and patient participation.
Uncertainty Visualization, e.g., to analyze anatomical variability and its effect on treatments, or to investigate uncertainty in biological models.
Ensemble and Comparative Visualization, e.g., to explore big data from large cohorts of patients, or to analyze models and simulations of biological processes.
(Augmented) Data Physicalization, to fabricate physical objects from the data for the education of the general public or for training (e.g., combined with AR).
Professional Experience
March 2021–Currently: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Research Unit of Computer Graphics, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien, Austria.
September 2020–April 2021: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) and Rosalind Franklin Fellow, Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics Research Group, Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
February 2017–August 2020: Univ. Assistant (Post-Doc) in Medical Visualization, Research Unit of Computer Graphics (VisGroup), Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien, Austria.
March 2013–February 2017: Ph.D. Candidate, Medical Image Analysis (IMAG/e) Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
September 2013–January 2017: Visiting Researcher, Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV) Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
April 2016–July 2016: Visiting Researcher, Research Unit of Computer Graphics (VisGroup), Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology (former name: Institute for Computer Graphics and Algorithms), TU Wien, Austria.
October 2012–March 2013: Data Scientist, Orthopedics Department, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), The Netherlands.
March 2013–March 2017: Ph.D. in Medical Visualization. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands.
Advisors: dr. Anna Vilanova, Prof. dr. ir. Marcel Breeuwer. September 2010–October 2012: M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands.
Advisors: dr. C.P.Botha, dr. D.F.Malan. September 2005–June 2010: Diploma (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) in Electrical and Computer Engineering. National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece.
Best short paper awarded at EG VCBM 2023 (September 2023).
Best short paper awarded at EG VCBM 2022 (September 2022).
EuroVis Young Researcher Award 2022 awarded at EuroVis 2022 (June 2022).
Best short paper awarded at IEEE Vis 2020 (October 2020).
EG VCBM Certificate of Appreciation awarded at EG VCBM2020 (September 2020).
Image Contest Award (People’s choice) awarded at EG VCBM2019 (September 2019).
Best short paper–Honorable Mention (Eurographics Association) awarded at EuroVis2018 (June 2018).
EuroVis Best PhD Award 2018 (Eurographics Association) awarded at EuroVis2018 (June 2018).
Dirk Bartz Prize 2017 for Visual Computing in Medicine (Eurographics Association)—1st place (April 2017).
Nomination for IEEE VGTC VPG doctoral dissertation award (March 2017).
Other (Most Prominent) Professional Activities
Coordinator of the BSc Informatics (Specialization in Digital Health) (since 2022) and the MSc Medical Informatics (since 2024) at TU Wien.
EG VCBM Workshop: Short Paper Co-Chair (2019, 2020), General Co-Chair (2019, 2022), Full Paper Co-Chair (2022,2023).
EG EuroVis: Poster Co-Chair (2018, 2019), Organization Committee (2018), STAR Co-Chair (2023, 2024), General Co-Chair for Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine (2021–2023).
Associate Editor (2023–currently) and Guest Editor for the Computers and Graphics Journal (Special Section on VCBM 2019,2020,2022, 2023).
Member of the Steering Committee of EG VCBM (2023–currently), the GI‐Fachgruppe “Visual Computing in Biologie und Medizin” (2017–currently), and the GI-Fachgruppe “Visualization” (2023–currently).
Member of the working group “AI in Healthcare” of EASAC (European Academies’ Science Advisory Council), a collaborative body that provides independent, evidence-based scientific advice to policymakers in Europe.
Bio+Med+Vis School Co-Organizer (2021,2022,2023, 2024).
IEEE Vis Panel Co-Organizer together with Ingrid Hotz (October 2020).
NII Shonan Meeting Co-Organizer on “Formalizing Biological and Medical Visualization” with Barbora Kozlikova, Johanna Beyer, Timo Ropinski, Issei Fujishiro (February 2020).
Conference & Journal Paper Reviewing.
Publications Summary (Full List)
Peer-reviewed publications: more than 50
Other publications: 1 book chapter, 2 books, several posters & workshop abstracts.
Citations: 454 (Google Scholar in November 2024).
Indices: h-index 12, i10-index 16 (Google Scholar in November 2024).
Traveling and photography.
Dancing, skiing, and hiking.
Reading books.
Cooking and baking.
I love animals: I own a male British Rough Collie, and I am interested in dog training.
Learning languages: bilingual native speaker of Greek and Italian, proficient in English, able to speak and write in Russian (B2), German (B2), Spanish (B2), Dutch (B1), and French (B1).